
Step 1: Contact Information
Please fill out all required fields.
Step 2: Personal Information
Please fill out all required fields.
Step 3: People Living With You
Please fill out all required fields.
Step 4: Housing History
Please fill out all required fields.

Current Address

Numeric value only
Step 5: Employment Income
Please fill out all required fields.

Employment Income

Current/Previous Employer

Numeric value only

Other Income:

Step 6: Banking Information
Please fill out all required fields.
Step 7: References
Please fill out all required fields.


Minimum of 3 references required.

Step 8: ApproveShield Release
Please fill out all required fields.

Authorization to Contact and Request Personal Information

In connection with my application for financial assistance, ApproveShield has been engaged to verify certain information about me. By signing below, I authorize ApproveShield to contact and verify the following information about me, including my past or present employment or tenancy, from (as I initial below):

Credit reports including validation of identity

Validation of banking history

Lease performance data from former and current landlord(s) including but not limited to: timeliness of payments, past due amounts, any active disputes, lease violations, and legal proceedings.

Employment and wage income verification from former and/or current employer(s).

Verification/validation of any and all information provided or discovered during the screening process for purposes of receiving financial assistance from Do As We Do Foundation.

As indicated above, I authorize the person or company identified to release information about me to ApproveShield. Additionally, I authorize ApproveShield to collect and verify any and all information about my rental, employment history, and income that may arise during the course of my background screen.

I understand that information that ApproveShield may request and obtain may include information protected by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. I understand that I am providing this authorization voluntarily in connection with my application for financial assistance from Do As We Do Foundation.

Applicant ("I", "me", or "my"):

Step 9: Review & Submit
Please fill out all required fields.

Please Confirm

Please Sign. Draw your signature below

Submit The Form